Monday, January 29, 2007

Civilian Consumer Prolitariat. CivConProl

We need another Viet-Nam. Kind of like a real big war. Like one where lots of people die. Like and theres like a bunch of hippies and shit. Like we could use some of that here. Anyone know where we could find one like that? We all loves agent orange. Lots of fucked up people brought into this world. Low gas prices. High gas prices. Wage labor.

USA = Viet-Nambla.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Natural Society

And Lo! He spoketh unto the willing....

Ask of Politicians the End for which Laws were originally designed; and they will answer, that the Laws were designed as a Protection for the Poor and Weak against the Oppression of the Rich and Powerful. But surely no Pretence can be so ridiculous; a Man might as well tell me he has taken off my Load, because he has changed the Burthen. If the poor Man is not able to support his Suit, according to the vexatious and expensive manner established in civilized Countries, has not the Rich as great an Advantage over him as the Strong has over the Weak in a State of Nature? But we will not place the State of Nature, which is the Reign of God, in competition with Political Society, which is the absurd Usurpation of Man. In a State of Nature, it is true, that a Man of superior Force may beat or rob me; but then it is true, that I am at full Liberty to defend myself, or make Reprisal by Surprize or by Cunning, or by any other way in which I may be superior to him. But in Political Society, a rich Man may rob me in another way. I cannot defend myself; for Money is the only Weapon with which we are allowed to fight. And if I attempt to avenge myself, the whole Force of that Society is ready to complete my Ruin.

-Edmund Burke

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Comrades! To Arms!

WE must destroy stagnancy now! the happiness of the world is dependant upon us. Whether it be from the lowliest neglected worker who wishes there was a way out, to the reject who feels as if there is no one who will listen to them, we MUST utterly destroy this conformist creation, and dispell all the misery afflicted in its fascist name! Glory and Honor be to the blessed who purge this earth of all the "inevitable" consequences of statist manufacture. we WILL triumph, and people will once again be free...

Monday, January 15, 2007



Sunday, January 14, 2007


Thank you, thank you all. the meeting has proceded nicely.

Now business:

also we need a website or 2
are both available. which do we prefer? we need a centralized means of voting on this online. does anyone have any ideas how to do this? something where we can yea, nay , abstain, etc.
I move that we make the bidet song the anthem of the party.
i think we should put it to a vote.
electronic voting system for all proposed issues on the website?

can you register both :
CCCProgress on youtube

we need a proper email / telephone / home address / contact list for all members. portraits may help too. Information ministry: can you acquire and disseminate this information?

propaganda videos for youtube? what do the members think?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

the Informed Uniform

The time for cohesive and communicative signifyin´ through clothing conformity is near nigh. The informed uniform is what seperates the men from the beasts, or the big beasts from the little beasts, to say nothing of Breasts, as in ´medals and ribbons upon´. With that in mind, please be thinking of what the informed uniform of the CCCP will communicate to the rest of the animal kingdom.
Your Official Production Manager of the Informed Uniform is currently in jolly olde London, researching the fashion fallacies of our forefathers. She will return to the land of Change and Progress (god bless it) on or around the 23rd of January. After a reasonable period of adjustment and recovery, during which Ms. Highgate will attempt to re-Americanize her accent to avoid misunderstanding re: the definition of ´pants,´´bloody twat,´and ´knicker kickers,´ design and production will commence on February 2nd, 2007 (shadow or no shadow).
Discuss, debate, draw, and forward all ideas to Delilah Highgate post-haste. The appraising eye of the masses awaits.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


The First International of the Chicago Coalition for Change and Progress will convene on Saturday January 13, 2pm at FORT WRIGHTWOOD.